Spanish Resources

Phytophthora ramorum: Best Management Practices

A set of voluntary bio-security guidelines was designed to assist growers and interstate shippers in developing individual action and monitoring plans for minimizing the risk of introduction of Phytophthora ramorum (P. ramorum) in the nursery industry.

A national working group convened to develop and refine a broad set of nationally applicable Best Management Practices (BMPs).  It comprised a wide range of industry and agency representatives and key technical and research experts from:

Run-off Water Educational Outreach

Run-off Water Educational Outreach

These Quick Tip cards cover topics such as water, fertilizer, and pesticide use. They were developed with the UCANR Integrated Pest Management program.

Urban Run-Off Research

Eleven pest control chemicals, including products no longer commercially available, were found virtually year-round in storm drain water samples from eight selected California neighborhoods. The main ingredients of lawn and garden fertilizers were also found in the water samples at all sites.