Close up of a Blue Agave plant

Project Overview

SmartScape I is the first installment of four SmartScape areas, created during the Fall and Winter of 2019.

The design and installation of SmartScape I complies with the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). This means that the area has a calculated water budget via MWELO standards, and must perform within or below this water budget. 

SmartScape I features both native and non-native, water-conserving plant and shrub species as well as Eco-Wrap sub-surface irrigation.

SmartScape I Plant Species List

SmartScape I 2024 Water Applied Data

Below, readers can find the 2024 water applied data and key findings for SmartScape I at SmartLandscape. 

ss1n graph
1N Findings
ss1s graph
1S Findings
ss1 trees graph
1 trees PF
Ss1 Trees Findings

SmartScape I Installation & Progress Photos

SmartScape team members prepare the bare ground in SmartScape I for irrigation installation.
Ground prep & Irrigation installation
Two SmartScape students plant a Crepe Myrtle tree amidst novel Hunter tree bubbler irrigation technology
Two students plant a Lagerstroemia indica (Crape Myrtle) Sapling
Students from the Student Leadership in Green Infrastructure club construct water drainways for Smartscape I
Kevin Perry & two students from the Student Leaders in Green Infrastructure club construct a water drainway
Blooms of pink and yellow appear on fresh green, 2 month old plants in SmartScape I
The first blooms, three months post-planting: 2020
A matured midsummer view of SmartScape I; the crape myrtle carries hot pink blooms, and myriads of colors and textures fill the once bare area
Midsummer growth: 2020