Warm Season Turf Overview
Warm season turfs such as Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, and Zoysiagrass need high temperatures to perform well. They are generally more water efficient compared to cool season grasses: however, many of them go dormant during the cooler winter months.
Researchers at UC Davis and UC Riverside have shown that a buffalograss cultivar can make a thick, green, drought-tolerant lawn for California's hot dry summers. We have partnered with Florasource, Ltd. to bring this alternative turfgrass option to the public.
Home Landscape Use
‘UC Verde’® buffalograss may be mowed as a lawn or left long for a landscape meadow. Unlike other lawns, this grass only requires weekly watering during the warm season to maintain its appearance. Its slow growth means mowing is required once every two to three weeks for lawns or once a year for a meadow, to invigorate growth. Environmental and health benefits of planting ‘UC Verde’ ® can be found here.
Public Landscape Use
SmartLandscape at UC Davis has integrated UC Verde buffalograss into their landscape as part of their turf and turf alternative demonstration plots. Typical warm weather turf fill-in takes place in a matter of weeks.
UC Verde Buffalo Grass at 2 weeks growth. Planted May 22, 2020.
UC Verde Buffalo Grass at 6 weeks growth.
UC Verde Buffalo Grass at 10 weeks growth.
SmartLandscape at UC Davis- UC Verde Buffalograss 2024 Water Applied Data
Below, readers can find the 2024 water applied data and key findings for UC Verde Buffalograss at SmartLandscape. Plot 3 showcases Eco-Mat sub-surface irrigation and Plot 4 uses MP Rotator surface irrigation. In addition to calculating the ETWU and MAWA for each plot, SmartLandscape records the actual applied water, as seen in the graphs below.

SmartLandscape at UC Davis- UC Verde Buffalograss 2023 Water Applied Data
Below, readers can find the 2023 water applied data and key findings for UC Verde Buffalograss at SmartLandscape. Plot 3 showcases Eco-Mat sub-surface irrigation and Plot 4 uses MP Rotator surface irrigation. In addition to calculating the ETWU and MAWA for each plot, SmartLandscape records the actual applied water, as seen in the graphs below.

Key Findings- Plot 3
- 100% UC Verde (warm season turf) can be planted and meet MWELO; MWELO compliant for 2nd year
- Rachio weather-based controller managed applied water below MAWA (irrigation 7 day/week window)
- Sub-surface irrigation using Eco-Mat can meet MWELO with 100% UC Verde
- UC Verde mowed less than 6 times per year
Our UC Verde Buffalograss Plot #3 is “low water use”! This 16' x 16' plot was meets California’s Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). Water is delivered by a sub-surface blanket irrigation system (Eco-Mat) with irrigation managed by a Rachio weather-based smart controller. As per MWELO, we chose the “prescriptive water budget approach” and calculated Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) for our landscaped area and Estimated Total Water USE (ETWU) using a 0.6 plant factor from UC ANR research. While ETWU is an estimate, we have gone one step further by actually measuring the Actual Water Applied (AWA) to this landscape. Our Hunter 100C flow meter monitors the amount of water applied to this plot and our SmartLandscape team records the number of gallons applied to each zone on a weekly basis. Based on our water applied data, we can calculate the "actual" plant factor for UC Verde and YTD 2023 it is 0.27 versus 0.6 (UC ANR research), compared to 0.25 in 2022. The UC Verde sub-surface irrigated plot is in compliance with MWELO (AWA's blue line is lower than MAWA's red line). This warm-season turfgrass can meet MWELO when planted at 100% landscape area at SmartLandscape.

Key Findings- Plot 4
- 100% UC Verde (warm season turf) can be planted and meet MWELO when surface irrigated by MP Rotator nozzles
- Orbit B-Hyve weather-based controller managed applied water below MAWA (irrigation 7 day/week window)
- Surface irrigated UC Verde did not meet MWELO in 2022
- Orbit B-Hyve controller adjusted to reduce applied water for 2023
- UC Verde mowed less than 6 times per year
Our UC Verde Buffalograss Plot#4 is surface irrigated by Hunter MP Rotator nozzles with irrigation managed by Orbit B-Hyve weather-based smart controller met MWELO regulation for 2023. The 2023 YTD "actual" plant factor was 0.31 versus 0.6 (UC ANR research). AWA's blue line is lower than MAWA's red line, therefore, surface irrigated UC Verde met MWELO. However, in 2022, AWA was greater than MAWA and was not in compliance. In 2023, the Orbit B-Hyve settings was adjusted to deliver less water than 2022.
Please direct inquiries to:
(949) 498-1131
PO Box 758
San Clemente, CA 92674-0758