2024 Update

Key Findings
- Observational data on Eschscholzia californica suggests that the plant's seasonality plays a factor in it not meeting the "acceptable rating" over the course of the year in this setting.
- Observational data on Asclepias speciosa suggests that the plant performed better in 2024 than it previously had in this setting, likely due to establishment.
- Observational data on Penstemon heterophyllus 'Margarita BOP' suggests that the plant has not performed well in this setting.
- After 2.5 years, recommended taxa for Green Roof WUCOLS Region 2 noted above.
- No current Green Roof state regulation for water budget.
- MWELO Performance Approach is not applicable to our Green Deck project (in-ground versus container planting) but Actual Water Applied data was collected and compared to ETWU and MAWA.
- Irrigation was managed by Hydrawise smart controller (weather-based) for 2023 versus manually irrigated in 2022.
2023 Update

Project Goals
• Measure and monitor landscape water use
• Demonstrate low water use green roof plant material
• Provide “hands-on” educational opportunities
• Connect industry professionals with researchers & students
• Conduct science-based research
• Demonstrate water conserving & efficient landscapes
• Test the applicability of CA native grassland plants for green roofs
Future Directions
• Continue collecting data of plant performance to ensure quality and consistency of results
• Trial other low-water use California native grassland species, including annuals and bulbs
• Collect data on individual plant survival rates on the GreenDecks
• Continue to use GreenDecks as a teaching tool and demonstration garden for students, interns, and community members
• Continue to monitor water and assess plant success at different levels of irrigation
2022 Update

Future Directions
• Continue collecting data of plant performance to ensure quality and consistency of results
• Trial other low-water use California native grassland species, including annuals and bulbs
• Collect data on individual plant survival rates on the GreenDecks
• Continue to use GreenDecks as a teaching tool and demonstration garden for students, interns, and community members
• Continue to monitor water and assess plant success at different levels of irrigation
Project Overview
The SMART (Sustainable Management and Revolutionary Technology) Green Roof Project has been constructed atop two viewing decks at the SmartLandscape site on the UC Davis campus to allow for regular visual observation. These Green Roof decks hold more than 50 pre-planted modules containing a mixture of California native grassland species and serves as a model for other Green Roof projects. The Green Roof project is being carried out in partnership with the CCUH stakeholder Florasource Ltd, and is funded by both the Saratoga Horticultural Research Endowment and The Green Initiative Fund (tgif).
The key goal of this project is to use cutting-edge irrigation technology to monitor water use and ultimately develop an industry-wide standard for green roof irrigation in California. As a secondary function, this design will also trial untested California native grassland species for their adaptability to a green roof environment: the end-goal is to mimic local native habitats and to extend the area available for native species.

Green Roof Planting Plan
Each block represents one Florasource Green Roof Module.
Project Update- Summer 2021
The Green Roof decks are now in the data-monitoring phase. Students maintain the decks on a weekly basis, observing plants for vigor, overall appearance, and water usage.