A set of voluntary bio-security guidelines was designed to assist growers and interstate shippers in developing individual action and monitoring plans for minimizing the risk of introduction of Phytophthora ramorum (P. ramorum) in the nursery industry.
A national working group convened to develop and refine a broad set of nationally applicable Best Management Practices (BMPs). It comprised a wide range of industry and agency representatives and key technical and research experts from:
- USDA’s Agriculture Research Service (ARS)
- USDA’s Plant and Animal Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
- The Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES)
- Members of State Departments of Agriculture through the National Plant Board

The BMPs are organized into 5 main sections:
- Pest Prevention/ Management
- Training
- Audits
- Record Keeping
- Documentation
To download the BMPs: