Low Water Use Landscaping

This workshop contained information on current state and local drought conditions, irrigation management, a review of WUCOLS IV, how to convert your landscape irrigation system as well as plants for drought tolerant landscapes.

Topics:Low Water Use Garden

  • Overview of current state and local drought conditions
  • Irrigation management information
  • How to conduct a self-audit for your landscape
  • A review of WUCOLS IV (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species)
  • Plants for drought tolerant landscapes


Statewide Drought Update

Julie Saare-Edmonds, CA Department of Water Resources


Irrigation System Audit

Loren Oki, UC Davis and UC Cooperative Extension


Scheduling Irrigation: How Much and When

Loren Oki, UC Davis and UC Cooperative Extension



Dave Fujino, CA Center for Urban Horticulture, UC Davis


Converting to a Low-Water Landscape: A "How To"

Karrie Reid, UCANR


Plants for Low Water Landscapes

Ellen Zagory, UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden



Plant List for Water Conserving Landscapes, Ellen Zagory, UC Davis Arboretum

Unwise Plant Choices