Event Date
UC Landscape Plant Irrigation Trials™
Spring 2020 Open House
@ South Coast Research and Extension Center
Who should attend:
Professionals from Landscape, Horticulture, and related careers; UC Master Gardeners; garden writers; academics/educators
April 21 or 22, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (choose one day; arrive when convenient)
7601 Irvine Blvd, Irvine CA @ UC ANR South Coast Research and Extension Center
What’s involved:
Evaluating aesthetic qualities of selected plants on all treatments (60-90 mins)
Registration is required: http://ucanr.edu/uclpit_screc_spring2020
Important Details: The fields are packed dirt, sturdy comfortable shoes, sunscreen and/or a hat are suggested. Carpooling is encouraged, but not required. A tram running approximately every 15 minutes will take you from the parking lot to the actual trial location. At the trial site, you will be provided a ratings sheet, writing implement, and given general instructions when you arrive. Cold water will be provided. We hope to see you there!
About the event: UC LPITTM seeks to improve urban water-use efficiency by evaluating landscape plant performance on three irrigation treatments corresponding to the Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS) High, Moderate, and Low categories of water need. Plants are irrigated regularly during their first summer after planting. Treatments are imposed during the second growing season where researchers collect growth and quality ratings. The Open House allows landscape and horticultural industry professionals and educators the opportunity to see new plants and share your opinions and preferences by rating a representative sample of the plants in the field.
Participation is voluntary. UC ANR is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Contact Jared Sisneroz jasisneroz@ucdavis.edu
See what it’s all about here: https://www.facebook.com/UCLPIT/.